sexta-feira, 9 de maio de 2014

Porto Alegre - Pride of the Pampas

Porto Alegre is a Brazilian city and the capital of Brazil's southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul With an area of ​​almost 500 km ², has a diverse geography, with hills, lowlands and a large lake, the Guaiba, lying 2027 kilometers of Brasilia, the national capital.

In the nineteenth century, the city had the influx of many German and Italian immigrants, receiving also Spanish, African, Polish and Lebanese. Developed rapidly, and today houses more than 1.4 million inhabitants.

Porto Alegre boasts more than 80 awards and titles that distinguish it as one of the best Brazilian cities to live, work, do business, study and have fun . Was also highlighted in recent years by the UN as the Metropolis # 1 in quality of life in Brazil three times ; as having one of the 40 best models of public democratic management by its participatory budget , and have the best Human Development Index ( HDI ) among the metropolises nacionais. IBGE data pointed out in 2009 as the Brazilian capital with the lowest unemployment rate,  the British consultancy firm Jones Lang LaSalle in 2004 to include among the 24 cities with the greatest potential to attract investments in the world and featured in the PricewaterhouseCoopers list of the hundred richest cities in the world. Porto Alegre is an influential city on the global stage , receiving the rank of global city " range - " by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network ( GaWC ).

Moreover Porto Alegre is one of the greenest cities in the country and literate, is a regional center of attraction for migrants in search of better living conditions, work and study, and has an infrastructure in various superior to the other capitals of Brazil aspects. Was international headlines when it hosted the first World Social Forum and was chosen as one of the venues of the 2014 World Cup. Has also a qualified and diverse culture, with intense activity in virtually all areas of the arts, sports and sciences, often with national prominence, and has rich folk traditions and heritage in a significant centennial buildings and numerous museums.

The temperatures are much milder in Porto Alegre than the rest of the Brazilian capitals, with an annual average of 19.5 º C and winters with historical records of snow and temperatures below zero. However, the four seasons are well defined, and during the summer the temperature can easily spend 35 º C.

The Beira-Rio Stadium is located on the shores of Lake Guaiba, and is named as Beira-Rio for a mistake that was made at the time, considering one Guaiba River, when it is actually a lake.

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