terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2013

Manaus - Capital of the Amazon

Manaus is a Brazilian city, capital of Amazonas state and the main financial center, enterprise and economic development of the Northern Region of Brazil. It is a historic city and port located in the center of the largest rainforest in the world. It lies at the confluence of the Negro and Solimões rivers. It is one of the best known Brazilian cities worldwide, mainly by tourism and its potential for ecotourism.

In 2008, the World Cities Study Group and Network (GaWC) from the United Kingdom, included the name of the city from a list of cities ranked by their economic, cultural, political and historical heritage. Manaus was classified in the same category of other metropolitan areas in the world of great prominence, as Ankara, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Liverpool and Marseille, and the city was above others as Tijuana, Seville, Austin and Quebec. It is one of the twelve subsedes Brazilian World Cup FIFA 2014.

The vegetation of the capital is dense , and typically covered by the Amazon rainforest . With a diverse flora, houses several types of plants . The rivers that pass through Manaus is the Negro and Solimões , and when they meet , form the great Amazon River . The Rio Negro is the largest left tributary of the Amazon River , the longest river of black water in the world and the second largest in volume of water - second only to the Amazon . The river Amazonas is the largest river on Earth , both in volume d' water as in length ( 6992.06 km extension ) . The whole fauna of tropical rainforest in the Amazon this is also in the city . In rural areas of the county , there are numerous species of plants and birds , amphibians and countless millions of insects.

Manaus is a city marked by cultural features , political and economic legacy of the Portuguese , Spanish and French . Grew well , lived the heyday of the rubber , but back a bit back in history , we can not forget the importance of Amerindian ethnic contribution in the question . Were Amerindians who initiated human occupation in the Amazon , and their descendants, the mestizos, developed in close contact with the environment , adapting to regional peculiarities and opportunities offered by the forest.

Manaus is one of the largest industrial centers of Brazil. The most important industries in the city working in the area of transport and communications. The energy from natural gas in the region enables some areas the growth in the industrial sector, in order to export. Most industries are located near the source of raw materials, such as mineral extraction and timber, with little improvement products. The city was stable economic and industrial growth of 29.17% in 2011. Today, Manaus is at least three times richer than three decades ago, representing more than half of the economy of the state of Amazonas. Most factories and industries benefiting from tax incentives the Manaus Free Trade Zone are located in the industrial district, in the southern area of the city.
Manaus is a major tourists destinations of the Amazon, offering a wide hotel chain, as well as various restaurants. It also has several jungle lodges in its metropolitan area. One of the main sights of the city's Teatro Amazonas, inaugurated on December 31, 1896, being the main Artistic Cultural Heritage of the State of Amazonas and the most significant work of the heyday of the rubber.

With architecture inspired by the Amazon rainforest that surrounds the city of Manaus, the Amazon Arena is the stadium that will represent the northern region of Brazil in the FIFA World Cup 2014.

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