terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2013

Manaus - Capital of the Amazon

Manaus is a Brazilian city, capital of Amazonas state and the main financial center, enterprise and economic development of the Northern Region of Brazil. It is a historic city and port located in the center of the largest rainforest in the world. It lies at the confluence of the Negro and Solimões rivers. It is one of the best known Brazilian cities worldwide, mainly by tourism and its potential for ecotourism.

In 2008, the World Cities Study Group and Network (GaWC) from the United Kingdom, included the name of the city from a list of cities ranked by their economic, cultural, political and historical heritage. Manaus was classified in the same category of other metropolitan areas in the world of great prominence, as Ankara, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Liverpool and Marseille, and the city was above others as Tijuana, Seville, Austin and Quebec. It is one of the twelve subsedes Brazilian World Cup FIFA 2014.

The vegetation of the capital is dense , and typically covered by the Amazon rainforest . With a diverse flora, houses several types of plants . The rivers that pass through Manaus is the Negro and Solimões , and when they meet , form the great Amazon River . The Rio Negro is the largest left tributary of the Amazon River , the longest river of black water in the world and the second largest in volume of water - second only to the Amazon . The river Amazonas is the largest river on Earth , both in volume d' water as in length ( 6992.06 km extension ) . The whole fauna of tropical rainforest in the Amazon this is also in the city . In rural areas of the county , there are numerous species of plants and birds , amphibians and countless millions of insects.

Manaus is a city marked by cultural features , political and economic legacy of the Portuguese , Spanish and French . Grew well , lived the heyday of the rubber , but back a bit back in history , we can not forget the importance of Amerindian ethnic contribution in the question . Were Amerindians who initiated human occupation in the Amazon , and their descendants, the mestizos, developed in close contact with the environment , adapting to regional peculiarities and opportunities offered by the forest.

Manaus is one of the largest industrial centers of Brazil. The most important industries in the city working in the area of transport and communications. The energy from natural gas in the region enables some areas the growth in the industrial sector, in order to export. Most industries are located near the source of raw materials, such as mineral extraction and timber, with little improvement products. The city was stable economic and industrial growth of 29.17% in 2011. Today, Manaus is at least three times richer than three decades ago, representing more than half of the economy of the state of Amazonas. Most factories and industries benefiting from tax incentives the Manaus Free Trade Zone are located in the industrial district, in the southern area of the city.
Manaus is a major tourists destinations of the Amazon, offering a wide hotel chain, as well as various restaurants. It also has several jungle lodges in its metropolitan area. One of the main sights of the city's Teatro Amazonas, inaugurated on December 31, 1896, being the main Artistic Cultural Heritage of the State of Amazonas and the most significant work of the heyday of the rubber.

With architecture inspired by the Amazon rainforest that surrounds the city of Manaus, the Amazon Arena is the stadium that will represent the northern region of Brazil in the FIFA World Cup 2014.

domingo, 27 de outubro de 2013

Fortaleza - - Capital of Joy and Good Humor

Fortaleza is a Brazilian city, capital of the state of Ceará. The city developed on the banks of the creek Pajeú in the northeast of the country, the 2285 km of Brasilia. Its toponym is an allusion to Schoonenborch Fort, built by the Dutch during his second stay in place between 1649 and 1654.
The Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza has 3,655,259 inhabitants, being the sixth most populous in Brazil and the second in the Northeast. It is the northeastern city with the largest area of ​​regional influence and has the third-largest urban population in Brazil, behind São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Despite being inserted in the semi-arid climate, its location change this reality by being among mountains nearby, making the summer rains occur more frequently in the city and surrounding area than in the rest of the state. The average annual temperature is 26 ° C, being December and January the warmest months and July the coldest, but with minor differences in temperature. The average rainfall is about 1600mm, and the rainfall is concentrated between February and May.

The coastline of Fortaleza has a length of 34 km , with a total of 15 beaches . Praia da Barra do Ceará is the beach which is the limit of the city of Fortaleza Caucaia located west . It has this name because it is the mouth of the Ceará River . The site is of great importance for the history of the city because it was the first place where the Azorean Pero Coelho de Sousa made ​​a foray in 1603 , building the Fortim St. Tiago. The Praia de Iracema is one of the busiest nights with its bars and some historic buildings such as the Church of São Pedro , Estoril and Metal Bridge , and art galleries and the Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture . It is also the site of body surfing and fishing . On Meireles Beach is the avenue " Beira Mar " , which goes to the Mucuripe . It is the main concentration of hotels in the city . Club Nautico is a landmark of this beach , in front of which happens every day , the best known craft fair city . A Volta da Jurema is the most noble of the coast of Fortaleza.

Fortaleza is one of the popular holiday destinations of Brazil, reaching the mark of the country's most popular destination for ABAV in 2004/2005. The main attractions are the theme park Beach Park in Fortaleza Metropolitan Region, which receives an average of 500,000 visitors a year, the Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture, Avenida Beira Mar with a craft fair, the Praia de Iracema, with the Metal Bridge and the famous Pirate Bar and the Praia do Futuro with their "tents" beach. The city has received an increasing number of foreign tourists every year, especially Portugal, Italy and France.

Fortaleza is known to be the main stage of the Brazilian humor, Forró is the most popular music genre, with several venues around the city. The MPB has some employees such as fortalezenses Fagner, Ednardo, Belchior and Amelinha.
The most popular sport in the city, as well as in the rest of Brazil, is football. Because of this love for football and for the account of the city's importance on the national scene, Fortaleza was chosen as one of the main venues of the FIFA World Cup 2014, which will be played in Brazil. According to the table for the 2014 World Cup by FIFA published, Fortaleza will host six games, of which at least one will be the Brazilian team (the second game of Brazil in the first round of the tournament). If Brazil moves into the next phase of the World Cup, plus 1 game selection Brazilian may occur in Fortaleza: play the eighth-finals if Brazil becomes 2nd place in their group, or the game of the quarter-late if the Brazil remain in 1st place in their group and pass the second round-finals.
The stadium Plácido de Castro, better known as "Castelão Arena" will be the official stadium that will host the matches of FIFA World Cup 2014 in Fortaleza.

segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2013

Belo Horizonte - The Capital of pubs

Belo Horizonte is a Brazilian city, capital of Minas Gerais. According to the census conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2010, its population is 2,375,444 inhabitants, being the sixth most populous city in the country. Belo Horizonte has been nominated by the Population Crisis Committee, the UN, as the city with the best quality of life in Latin America and the 45th among the top 100 cities worldwide. Today the city is the fifth largest GDP among Brazilian municipalities.

The city is known worldwide and has significant influence nationally and even internationally, either from the standpoint of cultural, economic or political. Has important monuments, parks and museums such as the Museo Arte da Pampulha, the Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Museum of Natural Sciences PUC Minas, Circuit Cultural Freedom Square, the Pampulha Architectural Group, the Central Market and Savassi and highly publicized events such as Creamfields Brazil Festival, the International Festival of Theatre, Stage and Street (FIT-BH), International Short Film Festival and the International Literatures in Portuguese. It is also nationally known as the "national capital of the bar," because there are more bars per capita than any other major city in Brazil.

Belo Horizonte is one of the greenest capitals in the country, which is one of the reasons it received the title of "Garden City". There are approximately 560,000 trees - a number that rises to 2 million, when considered parks and conservation areas. 27 parks to add about 500 squares and various green areas.

One of the biggest financial centers in Brazil, Belo Horizonte is characterized by the predominance of the tertiary sector in its economy. Over 80% of the city's economy focuses on services, with emphasis on trade, financial services, real estate and public administration.
The Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte has three airports. Confins Airport (Tancredo Neves International Airport), built in 1980, is one of Brazil's most modern and capable of receiving five million passengers each year with comfort and convenience. With the completion of the Green Line, the prediction is that the path of the center of Belo Horizonte Confins to be made ​​in 35 minutes.

Many renowned artists in the country and abroad came in Belo Horizonte. The city also annually hosts popular festivals that take thousands of people to the Mineirão stadium as Axé Brazil, music from Bahia, Brazil Rock and Pop, pop music. Belo Horizonte has also been acclaimed as one of the major poles of the electronic music world, performing various festivals genre with bands and DJs internationally renowned attracting tourists from all parts of the country.

With the choice of Brazil as host country of the FIFA World Cup 2014, Belo Horizonte was one of the cities pre-selected to host the games. In February 2009 the government of Minas Gerais presented the project of modernization of the Mineirão Stadium. The project presented ensured the preservation of the original facade (in the same manner in which it was carried out the reform of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin). In May, FIFA announced the 12 host cities for the World Cup 2014, confirming Belo Horizonte as one.

domingo, 20 de outubro de 2013

Natal - The Capital of the Sun

Natal is a brazilian city, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. With an area of ​​167.263 km ², is the second brazilian capital with the smallest land area (larger only than Vitória), making it the sixth largest city in the country in population density, lying 2507 km of Brasilia, the national capital.

Historically, the city played an important role during the Second World War in 1942 during Operation Torch, as the allied base American planes were supplied with fuel in what is now the Augusto Severo International Airport, being classified as "one of the four points more strategic in the world". Natal is also one of the twelve venues of the World Cup 2014.
The climate of Natal is humid and tropical, with temperatures averaging around 28 ° C. Being located within a hundred meters, the city receives winds constantly. A study done by NASA found that the air Natal is the purest of all the American continent. Natal was awarded the title of City of the Sun, because it is located near the equator.

The craft is one of the most spontaneous cultural expression Natal. In various parts of the city you can find a different craft production, made ​​with regional raw materials and created according to the culture and the local way of life. Some groups meet several artisans of the region, providing space for manufacturing, exhibition and sale of handmade products. Usually these pieces are sold in fairs, exhibitions or craft stores. In the city there is the International Crafts Fair (FIART), held annually in partnership with the state government.
Natal is considered the gateway to tourism in Rio Grande do Norte. More than two million tourists every year. The city has several tourist attractions scattered across its territory, as Canto do Mangue, where it can be seen one of the most beautiful sunset of the city, the Metropolitan Cathedral - opened in 1988 and the headquarters of the Archdiocese of Natal - the Centre Tourism, Historic Center - where are located important monuments such as the Cultural Palace Potengi, the Historical and Geographical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, the Museum of Sacred Art and the Museum of Popular Culture.

The nightlife is guaranteed and valued primarily on the beaches of Ponta Negra, Artists, Rua Chile, Coastal Highway and several downtown neighborhoods such as Petrópolis, where are located the main nightclubs in the city. On the beach of Ponta Negra, one of the newest centers of nightlife Natal, there is a diverse amount of bars and restaurants bustling with live music sung in various styles such as axé, forró, jazz, Brazilian Popular Music (MPB), Latin music and rock. In Praia dos Artistas, many tourists frequent the bars and restaurants, this same beach is located Leisure Complex Chaplin, who is best known nightclub Natal, with several dance floors and music sung, either in Brazil or abroad.

The stadium will represent Natal in FIFA World Cup 2014 will be the Dunas Arena.

sábado, 19 de outubro de 2013

Curitiba - Example of Sustainability

A new Curitiba appeared in the range between 1950 , when the city hosted two matches of the World Cup , and this early twenty-first century , when again prepares to host the World Cup football .
The capital of Paraná , so quiet , with air provincial and rural profile areas within its perimeter , became a city completely urbanized , modern and full of opportunities . A metropolis with 1.8 million inhabitants it is the seventh most populous city in Brazil.

Capital of Paraná state located in the South, Curitiba was founded in 1693 and has since received several waves of immigrants of various nationalities - which is reflected today in its architecture , cuisine , arts and other cultural aspects.
Located at 934 meters of altitude above sea level, the city occupies an area of ​​432.17 km square . It has a temperate climate , with average temperatures of 21 ° C in summer and 13 ° C in winter and annual average rainfall of 1.413 millimeters.

It is the hub city of the set of 29 municipalities forming the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba . With an area of ​​16.627 km square , this region has a population of approximately 3.2 million inhabitants and is situated in the eastern portion of the state , limiting to the north with the State of São Paulo, south with the State of Santa Catarina , east to the Coast Range and west to the second plateau of Paraná.
Curitiba has also been cited in a recent survey published by Forbes magazine as the 3rd city shrewdest of the world that considers smart city that cares, jointly, to be ecologically sustainable, quality of life, good infrastructure and economic dynamism.

Curitiba is also one of Brazil's most influential cities in the global scenario, considered one of the centers of the most globalized planet, receiving the rank of global city range, by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network (GaWC).

In its historical formation, the demographics of Curitiba is the result of mixing the three basic ethnic groups that make up the Brazilian population: the Indian, European and black. Later, with the arrival of immigrants, especially Poles, Ukrainians, Italians, Germans and Japanese, have formed a unique culture broth, which features the city's population, their values ​​and way of life. According to the IBGE 2000 census, the population of Curitiba is composed of: white (77.4%), brown (18.2%), black (2.9%), yellow and Indians (1.4%).

Since it was opened in June 1999, the traditional Joaquim Américo Stadium, known as Arena da Baixada, has the reputation of being one of the most modern and well structured Brazil. This stadium will represent Curitiba in FIFA World Cup 2014.

sexta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2013

Cuiabá - The Capital of the Pantanal

Cuiabá is the capital and largest city of the state of Mato Grosso. The municipality is situated on the left bank of the river of the same name and forms a conurbation with the neighboring municipality, Várzea Grande. According to estimates made ​​by the IBGE, 2012, the population of Cuiaba is 561.329 inhabitants, while the population of the conurbation is approaching 820.000, whereas its metropolitan area has 859.130 ​​inhabitants and paste metropolitan nearly 1 million, its middle region has 1.100.512 inhabitants, what makes Cuiabá a small metropolis in the center of South America. The city is one of 12 venues of FIFA World Cup 2014, representing the Pantanal (the city is situated about 100 kilometers from the Pantanal region).

The city is surrounded by three major biomes: the Amazon, the Cerrado and the Pantanal, is close to Chapada dos Guimarães and is still considered the gateway to the Amazon rainforest. The predominant vegetation in the municipality is the cerrado, since its variants more shrubs to the densest forests on the edge of waterways.
Cuiabá has several tourist attractions because it is located in a region of varied natural landscapes, such as the Pantanal and Chapada dos Guimarães, and for being a very old city with an important historical heritage. The event tourism is also growing in the city.

The initial architecture of the urban area of Cuiabá, as in other historical Brazilian cities, it is typically colonial, with modifications and adaptations to other styles (such as neoclassical and eclectic) with time. She was well preserved until the mid-twentieth century, but after that time, population growth and economic development affected the architectural heritage and landscape of the historical center. Several buildings were demolished, including the ancient parish church, demolished in 1968 to make way for the current.

Cuiabá was announced as host of the FIFA World Cup 2014 on May 31, 2009, representing the Pantanal. The works of the Arena Pantanal began in April 2010. In 2011 began the works of urban mobility, among them the doubling Bridge Mario Andreazza. The city will deploy surface subway (Light Vehicle on Rails) estimated at over 1 billion reais.
                                          Pantanal Arena

quinta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2013

Brasília - The capital of the country

Brasília is the federal capital of Brazil and the seat of government of the Federal District. The city is located in the Midwestern region of the country, along the geographic region known as Planalto Central. In the census conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics in 2010, its population was 2,562,963 habitants (3,716,996 in its metropolitan area), and then the fourth Brazilian city with the largest population density. The Brazilian capital is the largest city in the world built in the twentieth century.
The city has the second highest gross domestic product per capita in Brazil (45 977.59 reais), the fifth largest among major cities in Latin America and about three times higher than the national average income. As the national capital, Brasília is the seat of the three main branches of the Brazilian government and hosts 124 foreign embassies. The city also hosts the headquarters of many major Brazilian companies.
Brasilia is classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, a UN agency and receives about a million visitors annually. Among its most visited attractions are the various architectural designs of Oscar Niemeyer.
The civic tourism is valued for being located in the capital of the direct government agencies and representatives of the three branches Republicans.
The stadium that will host the matches of FIFA World Cup 2014 will be the Estádio Nacional de Brasília Mané Garrincha. The Estádio Nacional de Brasília Mané Garrincha was rebuilt and is nothing like the old stage of Brasilia. With capacity for 72 800 people, adopts the concept multipurpose arena, with more comfort and safety for the fans, starting with the seats. There are five options and all are marked and retractable at a distance of 7.5 m from the initial field. This, in turn, was lowered 4.8 m its original height, allowing 100% visibility. The color red was chosen for the general seats and burgundy for the cabins.
                                                Estádio Nacional de Brasília Mané Garrincha

quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2013

Guide Host cities of the 2014 FIFA World Cup

Through this blog, we will visit the host cities of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, with its peculiarities, its people, its culture, its tourist attractions.

                                          Salvador - Bahia - Brasil

Brazil will once again host this tournament

The FIFA World Cup is one of the largest sporting events on the planet. The quadrennial contest between the best national teams in the world mobilizes billions of people from all cultures, from the four corners of the earth. Passions are aroused and, at the same time, differences are eliminated when, without exception, people from the most different countries are united by a common bond as they share the same emotions during the 90 minutes of a match. It is a rare and magical moment, unequaled, and for this reason merits universal recognition.
In 2014, Brazil will once again host this tournament. The 20th FIFA World Cup will be held 64 years after the one where, in Maracanã Stadium, the green and gold national team sanctioned itself as the world’s second best team. Since the host country was chosen on October 20, 2007, a comprehensive national effort began. It is not merely about preparing Brazil for the 20th FIFA World Cup, but to use the event as a platform to accelerate the development of the country. Since May 2009, when the 12 host cities were ratified, the consistent effort in planning and executing strategic programs has triggered a development process that transcends any sporting parameter.
Today, what is most visible in the media is the situation of the stadiums that will hold the games. However, at the same time, much more is being done. The objective of the Federal Government is to coordinate an investment program that will transform some of the most important capitals in the country, from north to south and from all regions: Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and São Paulo.
For all Brazilians, whatever the outcome of the World Cup is, a relevant legacy will remain in infrastructure, creation of jobs, income and promotion of the country’s image on a global scale.
It is estimated that the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ will add R$ 183b to the country’s GDP and will bring about an investment of R$ 33b in infrastructure, focusing on the area of road systems and transportation. About 3.7 million tourists, both Brazilians and foreigners, should generate about R$ 9.4b during the event. Considering all areas, 700,000 permanent and temporary jobs will be created.
The Federal Government is concentrating on two pillars, the first of which is to substantiate the official guarantees assumed in the General World Cup Law (Lei Geral da Copa). The second is the Responsibility Matrix (Matriz da Responsabilidade), an agreement between the Union, the states, the municipalities and the Federal District that defines commitments regarding the origin of resources and the execution of projects essential to the realization of the event.
From: World Cup Portal

Tourism in Brazil

Tourism in Brazil is a growing sector and key to the economy of several regions of the country. The country had 5.1 million visitors in 2010, ranking in terms of the international tourist arrivals as the second main destination in South America, and third in Latin America after Mexico and Argentina. Revenues from international tourists reached US$5.9 billion in 2010, showing a recovery from the 2008-2009 economic crisis. Historical records of 5.4 million visitors and US$6.775 billion in receipts were reached in 2011.
Brazil offers for both domestic and international tourists an ample gamut of options, with natural areas being its most popular tourism product, a combination of ecotourism with leisure and recreation, mainly sun and beach, and adventure travel, as well as historic and cultural tourism. Among the most popular destinations are the Amazon Rainforest, beaches and dunes in the Northeast Region, the Pantanal in the Center-West Region, beaches at Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina, cultural and historic tourism in Minas Gerais and business trips to São Paulo city.
In terms of the 2011 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI), which is a measurement of the factors that make it attractive to develop business in the travel and tourism industry of individual countries, Brazil ranked in the 52nd place at the world's level, third among Latin American countries after Mexico and Costa Rica, and seventh in the Americas. Brazil main competitive advantages are its natural resources, which ranked 1st on this criteria out of the 139 countries considered, and ranked 23rd for its cultural resources, due to its many World Heritage sites. The TTCI report also notes Brazil's main weaknesses: its ground transport infrastructure remains underdeveloped (ranked 116th), with the quality of roads ranking in the 105th place; and the country continues to suffer from a lack of price competitiveness (ranked 114th), due in part to high ticket taxes and airport charges bil fiche in the country, as well as high prices and high taxation in general. Safety and security have improved significantly, ranking in the 75th place in 2011, up from the 128th position in 2008.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.