sábado, 19 de outubro de 2013

Curitiba - Example of Sustainability

A new Curitiba appeared in the range between 1950 , when the city hosted two matches of the World Cup , and this early twenty-first century , when again prepares to host the World Cup football .
The capital of Paraná , so quiet , with air provincial and rural profile areas within its perimeter , became a city completely urbanized , modern and full of opportunities . A metropolis with 1.8 million inhabitants it is the seventh most populous city in Brazil.

Capital of Paraná state located in the South, Curitiba was founded in 1693 and has since received several waves of immigrants of various nationalities - which is reflected today in its architecture , cuisine , arts and other cultural aspects.
Located at 934 meters of altitude above sea level, the city occupies an area of ​​432.17 km square . It has a temperate climate , with average temperatures of 21 ° C in summer and 13 ° C in winter and annual average rainfall of 1.413 millimeters.

It is the hub city of the set of 29 municipalities forming the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba . With an area of ​​16.627 km square , this region has a population of approximately 3.2 million inhabitants and is situated in the eastern portion of the state , limiting to the north with the State of São Paulo, south with the State of Santa Catarina , east to the Coast Range and west to the second plateau of Paraná.
Curitiba has also been cited in a recent survey published by Forbes magazine as the 3rd city shrewdest of the world that considers smart city that cares, jointly, to be ecologically sustainable, quality of life, good infrastructure and economic dynamism.

Curitiba is also one of Brazil's most influential cities in the global scenario, considered one of the centers of the most globalized planet, receiving the rank of global city range, by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network (GaWC).

In its historical formation, the demographics of Curitiba is the result of mixing the three basic ethnic groups that make up the Brazilian population: the Indian, European and black. Later, with the arrival of immigrants, especially Poles, Ukrainians, Italians, Germans and Japanese, have formed a unique culture broth, which features the city's population, their values ​​and way of life. According to the IBGE 2000 census, the population of Curitiba is composed of: white (77.4%), brown (18.2%), black (2.9%), yellow and Indians (1.4%).

Since it was opened in June 1999, the traditional Joaquim Américo Stadium, known as Arena da Baixada, has the reputation of being one of the most modern and well structured Brazil. This stadium will represent Curitiba in FIFA World Cup 2014.

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