quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2013

Brazil will once again host this tournament

The FIFA World Cup is one of the largest sporting events on the planet. The quadrennial contest between the best national teams in the world mobilizes billions of people from all cultures, from the four corners of the earth. Passions are aroused and, at the same time, differences are eliminated when, without exception, people from the most different countries are united by a common bond as they share the same emotions during the 90 minutes of a match. It is a rare and magical moment, unequaled, and for this reason merits universal recognition.
In 2014, Brazil will once again host this tournament. The 20th FIFA World Cup will be held 64 years after the one where, in Maracanã Stadium, the green and gold national team sanctioned itself as the world’s second best team. Since the host country was chosen on October 20, 2007, a comprehensive national effort began. It is not merely about preparing Brazil for the 20th FIFA World Cup, but to use the event as a platform to accelerate the development of the country. Since May 2009, when the 12 host cities were ratified, the consistent effort in planning and executing strategic programs has triggered a development process that transcends any sporting parameter.
Today, what is most visible in the media is the situation of the stadiums that will hold the games. However, at the same time, much more is being done. The objective of the Federal Government is to coordinate an investment program that will transform some of the most important capitals in the country, from north to south and from all regions: Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and São Paulo.
For all Brazilians, whatever the outcome of the World Cup is, a relevant legacy will remain in infrastructure, creation of jobs, income and promotion of the country’s image on a global scale.
It is estimated that the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ will add R$ 183b to the country’s GDP and will bring about an investment of R$ 33b in infrastructure, focusing on the area of road systems and transportation. About 3.7 million tourists, both Brazilians and foreigners, should generate about R$ 9.4b during the event. Considering all areas, 700,000 permanent and temporary jobs will be created.
The Federal Government is concentrating on two pillars, the first of which is to substantiate the official guarantees assumed in the General World Cup Law (Lei Geral da Copa). The second is the Responsibility Matrix (Matriz da Responsabilidade), an agreement between the Union, the states, the municipalities and the Federal District that defines commitments regarding the origin of resources and the execution of projects essential to the realization of the event.
From: World Cup Portal

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